Bedford Hospital supported a fabulous event for Senior School students in the Conference Room at Thornton.
They brought along clinicians from a number of teams including Paediatrics, Radiography, Nursing, Midwifery and Physiotherapy. This enabled students to find out more about the wealth of roles available in the NHS. Bedford Hospital are hugely forward-thinking in their approach to informing and inspiring school students, and offer apprenticeships in Midwifery, Physiotherapy and Nursing. They have also set up the Bedfordshire Health and Care Academy which enables young people to take part in a virtual careers programme, with a work placement at the end.
Thornton students were given the opportunity to participate in this last year and we will be promoting the 2023/24 launch in November. We are so grateful to all the NHS workers who attended, some travelling a distance, and giving up their valuable time.
You can follow Bedfordshire Health and Care Academy on social media too
Categories: All Seniors Careers