Youngest Students enjoy Japanese Week

Posted: 10th May 2024

reception students in Japanese week

As part of their creative curriculum, girls in our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) enjoyed ‘Japanese week’ led by Mrs McPartlan, who was born and brought up in Japan.

Activities included making ‘Koinobori’ koi and Kabuto origami hats. Mrs McPartlan demonstrated how to make sushi (complete with a video demonstration of her dog, Leo, enthusiastically devouring sushi) and explaining traditional Japanese dress, the kimono and yukata.

The girls also enjoyed a live Zoom meeting with Mrs McPartlan’s daughter, Naomi, who was born and brought up in the UK, and who now lives and works in Tokyo. Naomi showed the girls the hustle and bustle of Tokyo as she was making her way home after work.

Categories: Academic EYFS
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MEET THE HEAD – THURSDAY 23rd JANUARY 2025 (9:30am – 11:00am)

This event is a wonderful opportunity to come along to the school, meet Dr Shaw our Headteacher, and the Admissions team.

Dr Louise Shaw - Headteacher

Meet The Head is a less formal event where families have a tour of the school, learn more about life at Thornton and have the opportunity to chat with Dr Shaw in our Drawing Room over tea and pastries.

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