outside view of the school


Safeguarding our students is the highest priority and the responsibility of every member of staff here at Thornton College. Please do not hesitate to contact any members of our Safeguarding Team if you have any concerns.

Our Designated Safeguarding / Child Protection Leads are: 

Ms T Wilks – DSL and Deputy Head

Mrs E Collins – Deputy DSL and EYFS Manager

Mrs A Woodruff – Deputy DSL and SENDCO

Alice Winter – Deputy DSL and Senior House Mistress



Mrs Angie Sinnott (01908 281564 or 07779 249853)


Please visit our Policies Section to access our Safeguarding Child Protection Policy.

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MEET THE HEAD – THURSDAY 23rd JANUARY 2025 (9:30am – 11:00am)

This event is a wonderful opportunity to come along to the school, meet Dr Shaw our Headteacher, and the Admissions team.

Dr Louise Shaw - Headteacher

Meet The Head is a less formal event where families have a tour of the school, learn more about life at Thornton and have the opportunity to chat with Dr Shaw in our Drawing Room over tea and pastries.

To reserve your place for this event, please email admissions@thorntoncollege.com.

You can be sure of a warm welcome.