girls sat on a bench

School Houses

Thornton College was a family home to three noble families, Cavendish, Ingleton and Tyrell, before it became a school in 1917.  It is these families which give their names to our School Houses.  

When your daughter joins Thornton she will be assigned to one of these Houses.  Each term we have Whole School House Assemblies.  The Cavendish, Ingleton and Tyrell Houses offer opportunities for House Captaincy roles and combined age group fundraising and sports activities.  There is healthy competition between these Houses with our Sports Days, an annual fixture in families’ diaries.


Each year all three Houses raise an incredible amount of money for their chosen charity.  Our students have the opportunity to vote for their chosen charity.  These votes are counted; the Charity that receives the most votes is announced and for that academic year monies raised by House fundraisers are donated.

Thornton’s current chosen charity is Samuel’s Charity an incredible organisation based in Milton Keynes providing gifts to children with cancer in hospital as well as those in long term care at home.

Thornton also raises funds for the Jesus and Mary School in Lebanon.

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Our next Open Morning is on Saturday 28th September (10:00am – 12:00pm).