Bishop David Oakley visits Thornton

Posted: 29th April 2022

bishop and teachers

Thornton College was thrilled to receive and welcome The Right Reverend David Oakley, Bishop of Northampton, to the school.  Bishop David is new in his role as Bishop for the Northamptonshire Diocese and is busy visiting schools in the Diocese.

Bishop David arrived in the morning and met with our Chair of Governors, Sr Helen and Trustees, Sr Claudine and Sr Brenda alongside the Head Teacher, Mrs Holmes, Deputy Head, Dr Louise Shaw, Head of RE and Chaplaincy, Mrs Shauna Murphy, Assistant Head and DSL, Mrs Tracey Wilks and Development and Marketing Director, Mrs Jennifer Walker.

Bishop David then celebrated a whole school Mass in honour of St Claudine, the Foundress of the Thornton College J & M Congregation.  All students and staff, of all faiths and none, attended Mass as a whole school celebration! Bishop David shared stories of his early life in Birmingham and gave the lesson that no ‘Saint’ began their journey believing that one day they would be a ‘Saint’ – like them, as individuals, we should take small positive steps and make decisions that benefit others.  Bishop David went on a tour of the school with Head Girl, Victoria and Sixth Form Student Elizabeth before returning to the Drawing Room for lunch with Ethos Club students and staff.  Bishop David then met with our youngest students in Pre-Prep and shared with them who he is and why he wears a ring, a funny hat and walks around with a stick!

It was a very enjoyable day for all involved.

Mrs Val Holmes, Head Teacher said:

“It was lovely to welcome Bishop David – such a ‘down to earth’ and genuine gentleman with an excellent sense of humour. He took time to greet each student in the school after the Mass and inspired us all with his presence as well as with his words. We were proud of the students and their participation in the day. They read, sang, played, prayed and chatted with confidence and respect and were all a real credit to the school. We look forward to welcoming Bishop David back to Thornton soon.”

Shauna Murphy, Head of RE and Chaplaincy, who had organised the events of the morning, said:

“It was a pleasure to have Bishop David come to Thornton for the day and gain an insight into our school life.  It was lovely for the girls to have the opportunity to speak with Bishop David and share with him some of the wonderful liturgical and outreach work that they do.”

Photo: Dr Louise Shaw (Deputy Head), Bishop David Oakley, Mrs Val Holmes (Headteacher) and Sister Helen (Chair of Governors) 

Categories: Whole School
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MEET THE HEAD – THURSDAY 23rd JANUARY 2025 (9:30am – 11:00am)

This event is a wonderful opportunity to come along to the school, meet Dr Shaw our Headteacher, and the Admissions team.

Dr Louise Shaw - Headteacher

Meet The Head is a less formal event where families have a tour of the school, learn more about life at Thornton and have the opportunity to chat with Dr Shaw in our Drawing Room over tea and pastries.

To reserve your place for this event, please email

You can be sure of a warm welcome.