Posted: 7th March 2024

Teacher teaching a class

To mark National Careers Week, every class from Reception to Year 13 enjoyed a talk from a different speaker.

The Year 13s were fortune enough to hear Nat from Aiimi share advice on Employability Skills and Interview Techniques. Aiimi are a fantastic company that we partner with who have created a gold standard work place culture where they really look after their people in the belief that a happy and valued workforce will increase output.

A number of parents volunteered to speak to other classes and were all hugely inspirational. There were a wide range of job roles and sectors which included Publishing, Journalism, Accountancy, Pharmaceuticals, The Royal Navy, Interior Design, Data Science, Marketing, Politics, Construction, Pilot and Engineering.

We are so grateful to the parents who supported this event and went to so much trouble to prepare these engaging presentations.


Categories: Careers General News Whole School
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MEET THE HEAD - THURSDAY 14th NOVEMBER 2024 (9.30am - 11.00am)

Dr Louise Shaw

This less formal event is the ideal opportunity for anyone considering a Thornton education for their daughter(s) to come along to the school, meet Dr Shaw, our Headteacher and the Admissions team.