Armed Services Visit Thornton

Posted: 3rd May 2022

Army support staff talk to students

Students from both Prep and Senior School enjoyed talking to members of the Armed Services’ Core Engagement Teams from the Royal Medical Service (AMS) and the Intelligence Corps at lunchtime on Tuesday 3rd May.

Five officers were on hand to answer questions about the wide ranging opportunities available and entry at officer and apprenticeship levels. Students discovered that it is possible to follow almost every career path within the Armed Services… including dentistry!

Categories: Careers Prep School Senior School
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WHOLE SCHOOL OPEN MORNING Saturday 8 March (10:00am – 12:00pm)

Our Open Morning is an opportunity for families to come and see Thornton College and to learn more about life at the school.

Visitors can hear Dr Louise Shaw, Thornton’s Head Teacher, talk about the school, our ethos and why a Thornton education is so special.

Tours of the school will also available for visitors. Hear at first hand how our girls feel about their school.

For further information or to book a place please call our Admissions Team on 01280 812610 or email